Gulab Pathi - 100 grms
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This is a Vegetarian product.Mace Is Yellowish-Tan To Reddish-Tan In Colour, Made Up Of Flat, Hornlike, Shiny Branched Pieces With A Fragrant, Nutmeg Like Aromatic Odour And Warm Taste.stylo..
- Product Code: Spices
- Availability: 2-3 Days
Tags: Jeera
This is a Vegetarian product.
- Mace Is Yellowish-Tan To Reddish-Tan In Colour, Made Up Of Flat, Hornlike, Shiny Branched Pieces With A Fragrant, Nutmeg Like Aromatic Odour And Warm Taste.
- stylo whole mace spice for kitchen
- organic whole javitri spices 50 grams
- japatri best quality is keeping the digestive system healthy. Encourages Appetite, Boosts Blood Circulation,