Roohafza Sharbat, 750ml
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A refreshing concoction, is a thirst quencher and a great additive for mocktails and dessertsBesides cooling, it is also nutritional and maintains as well as adjusts the body's water levelDirections: ..
- Product Code: Cool Drink
- Availability: In Stock
Tags: Cool drink, soft drink, beverages, Sprite, Drinks, Sab kuch clear hai
- A refreshing concoction, is a thirst quencher and a great additive for mocktails and desserts
- Besides cooling, it is also nutritional and maintains as well as adjusts the body's water level
- Directions: just add 50ml afza sharbat syrup in a glass (250Ml) of iced water to make a large refreshing and cool drink any time
- No need to add sugar
- Important: do not refrigerate. Store at room temperature. Use within 1 month after breaking the seal