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UNIBIC Waffy chocolate- 5rs

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About: Duke waffy chocolate flavored wafers are delicious and crispy wafer from the reputed brand dukes duke waffy chocolate flavored wafers are crispy crunchy and creamy duke waffy chocolate fla..

  • Product Code: Snacks
  • Availability: 2-3 Days

Tags: Snacks

About: Duke waffy chocolate flavored wafers are delicious and crispy wafer from the reputed brand dukes duke waffy chocolate flavored wafers are crispy crunchy and creamy duke waffy chocolate flavored wafers are layered by delicious creamy chocolate so that you get a taste that is complete blend of creamy chocolate and crunchy wafer duke waffy chocolate flavored wafers are relished by children as they find delight in its good taste ingredient description 1 piece dukes waffy atc chocolate product specs product specifications pack size 75 gms product dimensions 75 gms box contents 1 piece dukes waffy atc chocolate.

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