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InduLekha Bringha Hair Oil - 50ml

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Contains ingredient known to grow hair, Sulfate FreeContains ingredient known to Nourishes the ScalpContains ingredient known to reduce dandruffApplicator: Selfie bottle oil can be directly applied to..

  • Product Code: Beauty Hygiene
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: Shampoo

  • Contains ingredient known to grow hair, Sulfate Free
  • Contains ingredient known to Nourishes the Scalp
  • Contains ingredient known to reduce dandruff
  • Applicator: Selfie bottle oil can be directly applied to the scalp
  • Selfie bottle massgaes the scalp. Maximum Shelf Life 24 Months
  • Applicator Reduces wastage of oil
  • Applied For Hair Strengthening, Anti-hair Fall, Split-ends

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